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Wampus Art Show

Grade 3

Throughout the course of the year, third grade students have explored a variety of concepts and media, utilizing their imaginations to create and explore.

Engagement in the creative process has taken our students on a journey through gardens composed of continuous lines (created using a drawing technique that employs a single, unbroken line), to imaginary worlds filled with creatures made through the automatic, Surrealist process of frottage (where paper is placed over the surface of an object, and rubbed with a drawing implement), to surreal images layered with color.  The process of creating these surreal, color-stained images began with an examination of the origins of collage in the work of Schwitters, Braque and Picasso, and the evolution of this technique in the work of Dada and Surrealist artists.  After completing their collages, students then overlaid them with monoprints, transferring an abstract painting from a printing plate onto the surface of the collage.


Art for third graders is all about exploring materials.  Each lesson is developed to engage students to experiment different techniques with a different art medium.  Students use pastels, watercolor, collage, crayons, colored pencils to name a few.  This year the PTSA was extremely generous in donating materials to the students of Wampus.

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